CANCELLING LATIN MASS, PETER PAN & DR. SEUSS: After 50 Years Were the Traditionalists Right? Video by The Remnant
Forget Dr. Seuss! They’re cancelling God!
Mask up, everyone! Just 15 more years to slow the spread, but Joe Biden says we can have a lil’ cookout on July 4th.
What’s the connection between Covid, the Cancel Culture and The Great Reset?
Michael J. Matt argues that whether or not you’re Catholic, you need to know why they cancelled the old Catholic religion first… some 50 years ago.
What do John Lennon, Pope Paul VI and Margaret Sanger have in common? Traditional Catholics were at war with them all, long before anyone had ever heard of Cardi B, Pope Francis or Bill Gates.
The Great Reset is nothing new. What is new is the fact that nobody’ s laughing at traditional Catholics anymore.