Prophetic Word: Come Out of the Wilderness!

Prophetic Word: Come Out of the Wilderness! by KATHY DEGRAW for Charisma News

I was preaching recently when the Holy Spirit started to reveal powerfully that it is time for His people to come out of the wilderness. He revealed that the wilderness you have been walking through is going to be shaken off of you. Passivity is going to break loose, He said; finally, passivity is going to leave your life. However, the passivity breaking off of people’s lives is going to be a decision on their part. They have to co-labor with the very Spirit of God. It is going to take effort on their part, it is going to take making a conscious decision to change.

The Spirit continued to reveal that the enemy has blinded some from their own bondage and spiritual warfare that has been manifesting in their lives. They have thought they are just in a dry place, when in actuality it has been spiritual warfare that has come up against them that was unrecognized. It left them stagnant towards their destiny and the works of God. They didn’t recognize the warfare. They thought they were just in a place of brokenness and emptiness. It is time for the emptiness to leave. The void they feel in their life has been warfare attack after attack coming to thwart their destiny. But now is the time to rise up and break off and loosen the shackles that have been placed around you. Now is the time to come out of that dry spell.

In this time with the Lord I saw a vision of horses and the body of Christ getting on the horses. Believers were galloping forward as an army and releasing freedom. The Ruach Ha’Kodesh, the very breath and wind of God, was with them. I heard the Lord saying now is the time for fresh wind. Now is the time for the fresh breath of God to come upon you. Breathe in that new fresh breath. Breathe in the fresh fire I am going to put upon your life.

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He was speaking and saying My people need to co-labor with my Spirit. Declare fresh breath in your life. Speak and prophesy and declare fresh breath into your dry bones. Breathe into your dry bones to call forth that breath, to call forth the fire to manifest in your life.

He went on to say, I want to permeate you with an abundance. I want to give you an abundant well, abundant treasures. I want to give you abundant wells to drink from. I’m coming to saturate my people with a cloud of my glory.

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