Biracial Student Fails Critical Race Theory Class for Refusing to Confess ‘White Dominance,’ ‘Unlearn’ Christian Values

Biracial Student Fails Critical Race Theory Class for Refusing to Confess ‘White Dominance,’ ‘Unlearn’ Christian Values By  for Faith Wire

William Clark is a senior at Democracy Preparatory Academy in Las Vegas, where he was forced to take a course on critical race theory. He ultimately failed the class for refusing to confess his supposed “white dominance” — a concerning requirement to place upon any student, particularly one who is biracial — and “unlearn” Christian principles.

His mother, Gabrielle, has since filed a lawsuit against the school, seeking “monetary damages, including compensatory and punitive damages, for the damage done to William Clark’s future academic and professional prospects, and for the defendants’ deliberate and protracted harassment, emotional abuse, and violation of plaintiffs’ constitutional rights.”

William was mandated to take a “Sociology of Change” class, his mom said.

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The Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism explained that, in the course, the teenager “was asked to publicly reveal his race, gender, religious, and sexual identities, and then attach derogatory labels to those identities.” Students in the class were then “asked to ‘undo and unlearn’ their beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that stem from oppression.”

“William was understandably reluctant to label himself as ‘privileged’ or an ‘oppressor,’” FAIR’s profile of the case stated. “While William is the only student in the class who appears to be white — he has light skin and green eyes — he is, in fact, mixed race.”

William objected to the exercise and was, in return, given a failing grade.

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