Do We Even Have A Republic Anymore? by Kurt Schlichter for Town Hall
The idea of a republic is that the people, through their representatives, get to make the laws that govern the country, but it appears that’s no longer a thing. What if you made a law, and no one enforced it? Is there even any point to the exercise? And if we can make all the laws we want and not have them enforced except in the limited manner that the people hired to enforce them choose, are we even a free country?
Well, it appears that our garbage elite does not think so, and it’s ecstatic about it.
Remember that dancing scroll on Saturday mornings, if you are of a certain age, and how it sang its ode to the democratic process? “I’m just a bill,” it yodeled. The whole premise is that folks we elect go through this rigorous process of review and analysis and, after much work and debate, it pumps out a bright, shiny new law. The underlying assumption is that this actually matters, that when we make a law it gets treated like a law and not a suggestion.
It’s all a lie.
Let’s just get past the sausage-making part. There is no legislative process anymore. A bunch of congressional poobahs gather in a Capitol Hill office – now behind layers of concertina because our elite fears the American people – then they decide what outrageous garbage the latest omnibus will contain, and then they trot it out to the floor for a vote before anyone can read it, much less meaningfully debate it. Bill the Bill is no longer the sleek little document of Schoolhouse Rock fame, but a bloated, diabetic fattie waddling about while taking puffs from an oxygen bottle.
Debate a bill? Are you nuts? Hell, then people might find out what’s in it.
But let’s assume we do get a law passed. And assume the president signs it. That bill becomes a law and here we are. We got a law we wanted. Yah!
So what?
Our elite has decided to take upon itself a sneaky little veto of its own and to just not enforce laws it doesn’t like, or even worse, to selectively enforce laws against its political opponents. You know, you and me.