How God Supernaturally Moved This Successful Businessman Into a Kingdom-Changing Role by MARTI PIEPER for Charisma News
He was a successful businessman—until God showed him a new and better plan.
“I was on a half-business, half-mission trip to China,” Aamon Ross tells Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of the Greenelines podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network.
“I was walking along the Great Wall of China, just kind of talking to the Lord, and out of nowhere—and I’ve never had this happen in my life—I literally heard God say, ‘Aamon. You think too small. You don’t think generationally.’
“And I was scared,” Ross says. “I had tears in my eyes. The atmosphere was thick. It was really just a paralyzing moment.”
After his return home, Ross says, he kept praying about what God had told him. After about a week, he got together for coffee with a close friend, Kevin Stitt, who asked about his trip.
“Kevin, this is what happened to me on the Great Wall,” Ross told his friend, sharing the story of the supernatural encounter.
“Well, what do you think it means?” Stitt asked.
“Well, I prayed about it for the last week,” Ross says. “And for some reason, I feel like you and I are supposed to put our heads together and put godly people in positions of authority at the state and national level.
“And he just stared at me with this kind of awkward silence,” Ross says.
But he wasn’t prepared for what Stitt would say next: “Aamon, don’t tell anyone this, but I think God asked me to run for governor.”
“And then he said, ‘Be my campaign manager,'” Ross says. “Then I just started laughing. I told him, ‘Kevin, that’s a ridiculous idea. I’ve never done anything but vote.’ And he said, ‘Neither have I.'”
That conversation—and those supernatural moves of God—ended up bringing Stitt into his current position as governor of Oklahoma and pushed Ross into a ministry that is helping believers across the country move into positions of influence in the political realm.