How You Can Experience Christ’s Redemption in All Seasons of Life

How You Can Experience Christ’s Redemption in All Seasons of Life by MICHAEL LOMBARDO for Charisma News

Every person walking this earth has an allotted lifespan given as a grace gift from God. He has marked our days and predestined good works for us to walk in.

God created time for His beloved creation to operate within the confines of, yet He is not bound by time Himself. God is outside of the realms of time and space.

He can see our past, present and future simultaneously. After all, He is Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and end. You may think this truth has merely theological implications without practical influence, but that is the furthest from the truth.

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On the latest episode of Awaken Podcast, Michael Lombardo speaks with Pastor Troy Brewer about this very subject. Troy masterfully breaks down the Scriptures on how we can experience the presence of God and Christ’s redemption in all times and seasons of our lives. Not only can we experience Jesus now, but we can also invite Him into our past and allow Him to touch areas of pain and bring His redeeming power to them.

There is no area of our life that is irredeemable, and since Jesus can travel to our past, abide with us in our present and manifest in our future, there’s nothing He can’t do to apply His redemption to areas where it’s needed.

Not only will Jesus manifest in our past and in the present, but we can invite Him into our future. We can ask Him to manifest His presence and cover people who we love. Jesus longs to immerse our entire lives with His Spirit of life. He doesn’t want any areas of our lives to go without His fingerprint. Find out more on the latest episode of Awaken Podcast.

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