Why the Church Must Address the War on Gender

Why the Church Must Address the War on Gender by AJ HALL for Charisma News

Something strange is happening in America today when it comes to gender. Facebook now offers 71 gender categories. Popular actress Ellen Page has announced that she’s “transitioning” and now will be living as a man named Elliot Page. Several other high-profile celebrities have announced they are raising their young boys to be girls, or vice versa.

LGBTQ philosophy has not just influenced trendy tech companies and progressive Hollywood, but it has also made its way into our schools, universities and medical care. Some hospitals are ending the practice of listing gender at birth, while social scientists in academia have faced intense backlash if their findings run counter to this new worldview. In some elementary schools, teachers are told if a boy wants to use the girls’ restroom, he should be allowed to do that since he “identifies” as a girl.

LGBTQ as a Belief System

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I believe the best way to understand the LGBTQ movement is as a belief system. I view a LGBTQ proponent the same way I do a Muslim, Hindu or any other adherent to a religious sect. LGBTQ stands for “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning.” The cornerstone of their doctrine, I believe, was laid down in 1955 by psychologist John Money when he theorized that sex and gender were two distinct concepts.

“Biological sex may be genetic, but gender is merely a social construct,” Money says.

More than 60 years later, this loose view of gender combined with teachings on “sexual orientation identity” have formed the core of LGBTQ belief. This belief system includes an ever-increasing list of concepts that take personal faith to accept, like “nonbinary” people, “pansexual” people, “bisexual transgender women” and “lesbian cisgender women.”

According to the philosophy, I’m considered a heterosexual “cisgender male” (I identify with the same gender as my biological sex) and I hold a binary (male and female only) view on gender.

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