Can I attend my grown-up child’s same-sex ‘wedding’? by JOHN-HENRY WESTEN for Life Site News
Katy Faust talks about how she and her organization are working to protect the traditional family and the rights of children.
Some of you who are parents have encountered difficulties in talking with your children if they are in same-sex relationships, or even asking about attending same-sex “weddings.”
In order to answer these and many other questions on family issues, I spoke with Katy Faust, founder and director of Them Before Us, as well as a leading advocate for the rights of children and the traditional family.
Her pro-family work began after 2012 when the debate on homosexual “marriage” intensified and she heard many people pushing false narratives such as that children do not need a mother and father, and that because one stands for the traditional family they are automatically considered to be bigots.
Katy totally debunks these lies. She says that in her decades-long work with children,“the deepest wounds that kids have and experience is when they had lost their mother or father,” whether it be accidental through untimely death, or even intentionally done by divorce. She adds that the loss of a mother or father is “never a small thing for kids.”
Katy says that the pro-family movement is not only against the ideas, choices, desires, and behaviors which lead to the infringement of children’s rights. She also tells me that we are “always for something right [and] for people being in a relationship with God.”
The family advocate describes the intentional loss of both a father and mother for children, such as in divorce and same-sex “marriage,” as a great “injustice.”
Also, Katy and I discuss ways in which parents can take action to protect their children. She highlights “the reality that our children are drinking a firehose of ideology … in the schools … on the social media platforms … from their friends.”