Building Children’s Emotional Resilience Amid Uncertainty from Christian News Journal
For parents facing uncertain school schedules, new ways of working and concerns about the health and safety of their families, life in a pandemic is stressful enough. Add in the potential for children to feel overwhelmed or unable to cope with the unfamiliar and many families feel they are in no-win situations.
Keeping children home can help minimize potential exposure to COVID-19, but limits their contact with friends and teachers. On the other hand, sending kids to a center or school to learn and socialize with others can lead to concerns about exposure to COVID-19.
Parents can breathe easier knowing that child care programs with proper safety practices in place do not spread COVID-19, according to a Yale University study that surveyed 57,000 providers nationwide.
“Families have much to consider when it comes to making a decision about what is best for them,” said Dr. Elanna Yalow, chief academic officer of KinderCare Learning Centers. “Fortunately, their fears quickly turn to relief once they see our health and safety protocols, the success we have had keeping our children and staff safe and how excited their children are to be with friends and classmates. Once you move past the difficult decision, the rewards are profound.”
When it comes to selecting the best option for your family, keep these considerations in mind:
Putting safety first. When considering a center or school, make sure it’s not only following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local health department guidelines when it comes to masks and social distancing, but look for additional safety measures such as restricted access to classrooms, health screenings upon entry, handwashing throughout the day and frequent cleaning and sanitizing. Knowing the steps teachers and staff take to keep children safe can help confirm you’re making the best choice for your family.