SELCO: “Sometimes the path between “…let’s forbid them to talk freely” to “…let’s erase them” is short and fast.” by Selco Begovic for The Organic Prepper
One of the most common questions I hear is where we are all heading?
In some way, you are in the place where I was 30 years ago, so I can actually “feel” how are you feeling.
It is a time where and when polarization among people is so strong that you actually can sense “blood” in the air. At the same time, there are new hopes, new leaders, new great promises, changes, and what-not that for some might look like new times are coming.
New good times.
All that is usually just crap.
From my experience whenever great promises are in the air together with strong polarization among people that usually means common folks (like you and me) will lose a lot and will be left to ask themselves later, “What was all this about?” Because there is history and there is what actually happened.
In other ways, these times are different, so new factors are involved.
What you call “canceling” is similar to something that has happened before.
“Blacklists” or “blacklisting” is a phenomenon that is not new, not at all, but what is different now is fact that we live in a time when everybody is constantly “plugged in”, online, hooked on a constant run for fresh news and similar.
We are conditioned to look for new info all the time, breaking news, newest event or research, it is not even important that a lot of that is simply fake or a spin on the same story. For the majority of people, the most important thing there that they are constantly “plugged in”.
Now, add to the fact that we are being ruled by the media, and the media is being ruled by whoever has more power or a more popular agenda. In short this “blacklisting” is brought to perfection in your current setting.
The wrong kind of perfection.
How free is your speech really?
So, who can tell me how free speech is actually when someone is telling you what is wrong or right to say?
- Freedom of speech is actually only when is telling, writing, or yelling things that you like?
- Otherwise I will lose my job?
- Or be labeled as a terrorist?
Does anyone remember history classes about the rising of the Nazi party in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century, when kids were indoctrinated by rulers to “snitch” on their own parents if their mom or dad talked something against the ruling(Nazi) party? Do you remember how all that indoctrination eventually ended?
All this might sound like an overreaction to you, BUT sometimes the path between “they are wrong, let’s forbid them to talk freely” to “they are less valuable, let’s erase them” is short and fast.
And it’s not even about the political option, party, or view. I think the polarization and hate and fear is at that level when it is not important who rules anymore, because most of them will choose a similar path.