forI never anticipated having church members tell me that going to church is too risky. COVID-19 has melded together, going to church and risk-taking. I am asking questions now that I have never asked before in ministry. Is it worth the possible risk to the physical well-being of church members to gather together? Is gathering together worth the risk of appearing antagonistic to our governing officials?
When I first began thinking through these questions, I realized that I hadn’t ever thought much about risk in the Christian life. And I don’t think I’m alone. To make wise decisions about risk-taking, especially when our choices also cause others at risk, we need to understand the difference between wise and foolish risk-taking.
Every Christian’s life involves risk. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches his disciples to risk their lives and reputations. Jesus’s disciples should expect to be taken advantage of (Matt 5:10-12, 40-42). Christians take risks, but not every risk is wise. Jesus also commends people who flee when they see the “abomination of desolation.” In that situation, it is wiser to run rather than die (Matt 13:14-16). So, how can we discern between a wise, God-trusting risk and a foolish one? The New Testament offers some guidance.