In the army of the one who wins in all God’s battles

In the army of the one who wins in all God’s battles By Fr. Frank Unterhalt for Life Site News

In these end times, in which the apocalyptic battle between light and darkness is approaching its climax and decision, the unique position of the Blessed Virgin Mary must be recognized throughout the world.

In these end times, in which the apocalyptic battle between light and darkness is approaching its climax and decision, the unique position of the Blessed Virgin Mary must be recognized throughout the world. The Immaculata is the Victress in all God’s battles. She has appeared on the horizon of our epoch as the great sign of salvation and redemption (cf. Apoc 12:1), because the Lord has so ordained it in His merciful providence.

For the Most High “made Mary Mistress of Heaven and Earth, and raised her to be the Leader of His hosts, the Treasurer of His riches, the Dispenser of His graces, the Instrument of His great miracles, the Redeemer of the human race, the Mediatrix of the elect, the Destroyer of God’s enemies, and the faithful Associate of His glory and His triumphs” [1].

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In this regard, St. Louis de Montfort states: “God, then, wants to reveal and glorify Mary, the masterpiece of his hands, in the latter times” [2]. She, the dawn of our redemption, precedes the glorious rising of the Sun of Salvation. Thus, the true devotion to Mary is governed by the famous phrase: Ut adveniat regnum tuum, adveniat regnum Mariæ!

The Immaculata “has brought forth, in union with the Holy Spirit, the greatest that has ever existed and will ever exist, namely, the God-Man. Therefore, she will also bring forth the greatest things when the latter times shall come” [3].

In our days, then, when satan is trying to set himself up as the perceived winner, as he controls the key positions of the anti-church and the world, looking to the Blessed Virgin Mary gives us the true understanding: She will inflict the complete and final defeat on the serpent and all his followers!

“Mary, therefore, more than ever, in her mercy, power and fullness of grace, should be recognized and loved precisely in these latter times […] Finally, Mary should become the terror of the demons and their followers, like an army drawn up in battle array, and precisely in these latter times, because satan knows that he will then have only a little time left to destroy souls, and therefore he will redouble his hostile efforts and attacks day after day” [4].

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