End-Times Expert Says We Must Stop Looking to Politics for Answers to America’s State of Crisis by MARTI PIEPER for Charisma News
We can all agree that America is hurting. Headlines reveal that the pandemic lockdown as well as mass civil and political unrest have left us in a state of financial, mental and emotional distress.
“There’s not going to be a political solution in this country,” author, political commentator and end-times expert Michael Snyder tells Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of the Greenelines podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. In fact, he says, the church has been looking in the wrong place for answers.
“Over the past four years, in the evangelical movement, we’ve been worshipping politics and politicians and thinking this is how we’re going to turn the country around,” he says. “No matter—even if we won every political race, even if we were successful in politics. On every level there, we’re not going to turn the country around without God, without repentance. And that’s what we need.“
We must repent, Snyder says, because “We really are in the end times. The judgment of America has begun, and it’s going to accelerate and get even worse. Very, very difficult times are ahead of us, and it’s because as a nation, we have rejected God; we’ve turned our backs on God. Even throughout the past four years, the American people have continued to race after sin.”
But there is hope, Snyder says. Despite these trying times, those who put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ “will always have hope” and know that, at the end of everything, God wins.