Jonathan Cahn: The Return’: Yes, There’s Hope for America, Assuming We Act Now

Jonathan Cahn: The Return’: Yes, There’s Hope for America, Assuming We Act Now by HAMILTON STRATEGIES for Charisma News

Millions of readers all over the world know Jonathan Cahn as the author of The Harbinger II: The Return, his latest bestseller of biblical prophecy and power. His books have appeared prominently on many bestseller lists, including the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association Bestsellers list.

Now, Cahn shares a warning concerning America’s future—but also a path to hope.

In his earlier book, The Harbinger, Cahn posed the compelling question: Is America headed to judgment at a time of great “shakings”? His sequel, The Harbinger II: The Return, unveils the prophetic answers to this and other deep concerns at a time when so many Americans coping with the coronavirus, job uncertainty, political tension and civic unrest crave, above all, peace, safety and security. And yes—hope for the future.

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Cahn originally shared the ancient harbingers of coming judgment in a narrative of lasting power. In The Harbinger, he wrote that the first warning sign was an enemy strike on our homeland—which tragically occurred, of course, on Sept. 11, 2001. The book divulged additional harbingers of judgment.

The Harbinger II: The Return shows that the mystery begun on 9/11 is still manifesting today. Cahn states that America’s mainstream culture has continued to turn its back on God and His Word. Believers, in response, have created more prayer and repentance movements. Yet questions remain: Is the ancient mystery of national judgment coming true today? Is it behind the “shakings” that have harmed America?

In The Harbinger II: The Return, Cahn reveals the biblical template that involves a window of time given to a nation under judgment, a period of grace, in which the nation will either return to God or progress to judgment. The present shakings on America are a sign that the window of time given to America is in danger of ending. But Cahn says we now have a window of time to repent and return to God—but if we don’t, the “shakings” will resume. So, what’s next? Is there hope for America?

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