Understanding the True Nature of God’s Fire by MICHAEL LOMBARDO for Charisma News
If you’ve attended a Pentecostal or charismatic church at all, I’m sure you’ve encountered the guest evangelist who would come, minister and declare, “Fire! Fire! Fire!” over the congregation as he or she prayed for everyone.
If you are anything like me, I’m sure you’ve wondered at one point or another what was taking place as they prayed for God’s fire to hit the people. My heart always searches out God’s Word in what I see taking place in church because I want to know the truth and feel God’s heart in what happens around me, especially among His children.
It’s imperative that we get a biblical grasp on the fire of God in Scripture. The “fire of God” is referred to several times in the Old Testament, even several times in the New Testament as well. The Scriptures state that God is an all-consuming fire ( Heb. 12:29).
Also, the apostle John, in the book of Revelation, describes Jesus as having eyes of fire. The apostle Paul declares that when we stand before the judgment seat of Christ all of our works will be tested by fire. These Scriptures only name a few instances, but there are many others to explore and search out.
On the latest episode of Awaken Podcast, Michael Lombardo begins a new series titled First Love Fire, and he explores the fiery passionate nature of God and how we as believers can continually burn for the Lord without ever waning in first love passion.
If we are to truly understand what the fire of God is, we’ll begin to grasp how we can be fiery ones all the days of our lives without ever burning out. Tune into the latest episode of Awaken Podcast for wisdom, revelation and impartation for your journey ahead.Â