How to Rest in Turbulent Times Shane Idleman
From the COVID crisis to financial burdens, and from fear and isolation to a divided nation, millions are lacking peace and rest. But I believe we can find rest if we look to the right source. As one theologian said, “Rest is desisting from exertion.”
Expending energy has a time and a very important place in our lives—we were created to work. But we were also created to rest. The problem for many is that they never stop and rest. They are always wound up, so to speak.
In a helpful article on the reasons spiritual leaders need rest (which all of us should read), author Cary Schmidt says, “Pastors and ministry leaders don’t ever really ‘clock out.’ It’s a part of the call. The needs are incessant. The only means of real survival is to pull away from the demands long enough to restore. Everyone must come up for air eventually or die.” Nowadays, most of us never “clock out.” Whether it’s running the kids back and forth seven days a week or working frantic hours, we are busier than ever because we often measure success by busyness. The busier I am, the more successful I am, so we think.
Schmidt adds, “The primary reason we struggle to rest is that our identity is tied to the things that keep us running at a breakneck pace. We have anchored our sense of self to what we do for God—therefore we can never do enough, and if we stop (even for a short time), we feel a loss of self and fear His disapproval.”
Could it be that God wants most of us to slow down? Absolutely. We are glued to screens, addicted to phones, and enslaved to sports and entertainment. We scurry around every day looking for the next thing to do, but we never find the rest we need. We go to bed exhausted and wake up exhausted. Something must change.
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