Prophecy: Jesus Is About to Break Satan’s Bondage off Your Mind

Prophecy: Jesus Is About to Break Satan’s Bondage off Your Mind by KATHY DEGRAW for Charisma News

I could hear the sound of horse hooves in the spiritual realm, the clip- clop sound of a galloping horse. I could see its legs moving, galloping with a sound as thunder. On the white horse sits Jesus as rider; the Prince of Peace. This vision wasn’t referring to His second coming, but to now, what He wants to do in the lives of men. He is coming with a roll of thunder to clear out the minds of man.

He has an immediate mission in mind to deliver those whose minds have been locked up. He desires His captives to be set free. His people’s minds have been bound for too long. They are locked up, shut up and closed down. They aren’t as effective and useful for the kingdom as He’d like them to be.

In this vision the Lord showed me the bondage around people’s minds. It was similar to a half helmet, but this helmet is made of metal, specifically steel. It should be hard. Spiritual warfare should bounce off. I can hear the ting that should take place. However, His people’s minds are capturing the warfare, capturing the bondage instead of dismissing it. It should be the helmet of salvation, of deliverance, but it is not. It reminded me of the article I wrote for Charisma a couple years ago, “How to Guard Your Thoughts Against the Enemy.”

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Jesus is riding the horse with the unlocking mechanism in His hands. He is holding the keys. He has already given us the keys, the Word of God. But, we aren’t establishing the keys, the Word in our life therefore, we are still bound. He is jingling the keys to remind us everything we need is in His word.

He has given us the victory in the Word when we know the Word and apply the Word.

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