Franklin Graham: ‘Our Freedom Comes from God’ from Christian News Journal
GNN Note – When we are ask what is the difference between “liberty and freedom” we explain this way – Liberty comes from God and freedom comes from man. Freedom can rewritten, explained away or rejected outright – Liberty can not. /END
In an exclusive interview with Christian News Journal for its new video series, “Three Questions,” Franklin Graham—president of Samaritan’s Purse and one of our nation’s most prominent faith leaders—said that while times may change and situations may change, “God doesn’t change.”
That is a beauty and a blessing—and all Christians must stay true to God’s word, he urged, no matter what we’re going through, no matter what challenges we’re enduring.
“God is the same today, yesterday, tomorrow, forever—He doesn’t change. Things around us may change, but God doesn’t change. And we want to stay faithful to His word … We cannot compromise on God’s word.”
“When we read the Word of God,” Graham told CNJ editor Corine Gatti-Santillo, “we have to apply His Word to our life.”
“The Word of God is a living book. It’s alive. And as we read it and study it, God speaks to our hearts and He touches our hearts.”
He acknowledged that today, so many millions of people are losing hope—given the plague of the coronavirus, the lockdowns, the job losses, and so many related complications. Americans have had a very trying time of late. Yet as Christians and as believers, said Graham, we have hope.
“We know that God doesn’t abandon those that He loves … He’s with us every step of the way … Our hope is in Him. It’s not in Republicans or Democrats, or in the next government giveaway check … Jesus is the only one to take our sins.”
And God “will forgive our sins and heal our hearts—and give us eternal life.”
“When I have hope, I know where I’m going,” he added. “I’m not afraid of the future. And I know that my future is in the hands of God.”