Trump’s response to the Screen Actors’ Guild shows he’s still got it

Trump’s response to the Screen Actors’ Guild shows he’s still got it By Andrea Widburg for American Thinker

One of the most disheartening things since Trump left office is that he took his bravado with him.  Thanks to the Democrats’ new ownership of the police state, the Supreme Court’s passivity, and the Democrats’ turning events at the Capitol on January 6 into America’s Reichstag fire, Democrats have cowed Republicans.  It’s therefore nice to know that Trump is still Trump — as evidenced by his response to the Screen Actors Guild, which threatened him with expulsion over January 6.

All people, no matter how peanut-sized their brains, know now that what happened on January 6 had nothing to do with Donald Trump.  Even the FBI has admitted that the events were planned long before January 6 and had nothing to do with Trump.  Worse, even the WaPo had to admit that the FBI may well have been warned in advance…and did nothing.

The timeline of events also shows that (a) Trump was still speaking when events began to play out at the Capitol and (b) Trump told his supporters to behave alike Americans: peaceably go to the Capitol and cheer on Republican senators who were attempting to get some sunlight onto claims of massive election fraud.

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One of the main figures in the Capitol fiasco was a leftist, and there were multiple non-Trump-supporters involved.  Moreover, it appears that it’s fake news that protesters beat a police officer to death with a fire extinguisher.

With the Capitol “insurrection,” a hoax even bigger than the Russia collusion hoax, leftists are looking for another shiny object by which to distract people when their policies fail — as leftist policies inevitably do.  Enter the Screen Actors Guild (SAG), a Hollywood monopoly that requires every person who wants to act in Hollywood to pay large sums of money to join before he can set foot on a set.

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