The Democratic Injury: Davos Against A Free West

The Democratic Injury: Davos Against A Free West By  for American Greatness

The establishment spent the past four years panicking, not that a demagogue might undo democracy in the West but that a Republican might remind the West that it is democratic.

here has been an air of satisfaction about the elites and specialists who spoke last week at the Davos Agenda summit. That air is stale and familiar; the same air calmly vented during Obama, Bush, and Clinton’s terms, and got pumping when Nigel Farage introduced sovereignty back to the United Kingdom. For four years, the common people of the United States and across the West got a taste of something poisonous—or, at the very least, bad for their health—but thankfully now they are all back on a healthy diet of whatever the experts prescribe as Joe Biden has taken office. The Davos crowd circulates that air of satisfaction because they have resumed control over life, death, history, and the future. After all, who better to protect democracy than an elite few?

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen suggested in her speech last Tuesday that democracy has been damaged, perhaps irreparably so, by President Trump and his unique brand of conservative populism. Never mind the fact that his populism was and remains popular; that he received the most votes of any incumbent president ever; that the populace was far more engaged in politics during his presidency than at any point in recent memory as a result of the two-sided recognition that Trump was making good on his promises; or the fact that he realized popular dreams long thought unattainable.

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If President Trump damaged democracy, it is simply because democracy was out of shape or at the very least no longer in sufficient shape to dance. Its muscles were atrophied and its bones were achy after having been dormant for too long.

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