Ames aims to deconstruct the ‘nuclear family,’ say critics

Ames aims to deconstruct the ‘nuclear family,’ say critics by Chris Woodward (

Conservatives are blasting public school curriculum in Ames, Iowa, for its controversial content extoling the principles that guide the Black Lives Matter movement.

This week, the Ames Community School District rolled out a “Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action.” A post on the district’s website directs teachers to employ lessons and activities “to affirm all Black identities by centering Black voices, empowering student, and teaching about Black experiences beyond slavery.” Included in the curriculum for students K-12 are topics involving “queer affirming,” “transgender affirming,” “globalism” and “disruption of Western nuclear family dynamics.”

Young America’s Foundation was among the first organizations to detail the information. Joy Pullman, executive editor of The Federalist, also wrote an article about the materials.

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“A lot of things don’t add up, but I looked at some of the demographics of the town,” Pullman told the “Washington Watch with Tony Perkins” program on Tuesday. “One of the things I noticed is that for one thing there is a dramatically higher marriage rate among the children in these public schools in this city than there is among American kids in general … and it’s also majority white school district.”

Ken Blackwell, senior fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance at Family Research Council, had big concerns about the nuclear family situation.

“Let’s just start 244 years ago, when there still was the institution of slavery,” Blackwell told the “Washington Watch” program. “One of the things that helped move the black community forward was a great sense of family. For example, in the 1950s and early 1960s, black intact families were running parallel with white intact families.”

Last year, Black Lives Matter made headlines for having information on its website (that has since been removed after criticism) that disparaged the “Western-prescribed nuclear family structure.” Blackwell says Black Lives Matter and other radical groups that have Marxist leanings are talking about the irrelevance of the family because they follow a statist model as opposed to the family being the “incubator of liberty.”

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