Poll: Millennials, Gen Z Have Nuanced Perspective on Abortion By Kristan Hawkins for Real Clear Politics
The vast majority of abortions take place today among Millennials and Gen Z, whose interests many claim to speak for, from Planned Parenthood to politicians to celebrities. As this year’s anniversary of Roe v. Wade takes place with a downscaled memorial (in line with the COVID times) against the backdrop of an aggressive pro-abortion agenda from the Biden administration, our organization — made up of more than 1,250 student pro-life groups in all 50 states — thought it timely to ask these generations about their views on the abortion issues in the headlines.
Far from being knee-jerk in their acceptance of the status quo, Millennial and Gen Z voters expressed support for limits on abortion and taxpayer funding of it. They also said reversing Roe was acceptable, and voting on abortion policy was strongly embraced, according to the poll commissioned this month by Students for Life of America’s Institute for Pro-Life Advancement.
Almost seven out of 10 Millennials and Gen Zers want to vote on abortion-related policy, something that Roe v. Wade took away from Americans when the Supreme Court set abortion policy for the whole of the United States in 1973. In fact, fewer than two out of 10 want unlimited abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, for any reason at all and sometimes with taxpayer funding, which Roe allows.
Millennials and Gen Zers wanted abortion limits, with more than seven out of 10 expressing support for less abortion, and almost six out of 10 specifically opposed to Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton when they learn that the latter allows for abortion up to birth, an increase of six percentage points from the 2019 poll (from 51% to 57%.)
Asked directly about reversing Roe to return the issue of abortion to the states, more Millennials and Gen Zers supported doing so than opposed it, by a margin of 44% in favor to 36% opposed with 18% unsure.