‘Kingdom of God’ – Why It Matters To You by Myra Kahn Adams for Town Hall
We begin today’s study by my explaining why the “Kingdom of God” is the topic.
While attending Mass last weekend, I heard the hymn “Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God” – one I am familiar with and always liked. Then, during the singing, I received a “ding-ding” that I was supposed to write about “The Kingdom of God.” Immediately I whispered the blessed news to my husband (who recently played a prominent role in this Bible Study after Vols. 42 and 44.)
Hence, from HIS command to my keyboard, here we are. However, today I am mostly acting as a conduit for what others have written about the Kingdom of God that I deem worthy. And, of course, some applicable New Testament verses. As it turns out, “In the Old Testament, the phrase does not occur at all. The concept of God as the true king of Israel was prevalent, but the phrase as uttered by Jesus was not.”
Let’s begin by framing the concept of the “Kingdom of God” with another quote by Kurt Struckmeyer from his site, “Following Jesus -A Life of Faith in the Post-modern World” in his essay “The Kingdom of God”:
“The dominant theme in the gospels and the center of Jesus’ proclamation was the reign or kingdom of God. This one phrase sums up his whole ministry and his whole life’s work. Every thought and saying of Jesus was directed and subordinated to one single thing: the realization of the reign of God upon the earth.”
And how are we supposed to act out Jesus’ “proclamation”?
Struckmeyer’s writing provides some actionable guidance:
First, “The kingdom of God takes place through a group of persons whose hearts and relationships are in subordination to the reign of God. Jesus described the kingdom of God in words and actions for all to hear and see.”