Protect Holy Spirit’s Temple From Stress With These Steps

Protect Holy Spirit’s Temple From Stress With These Steps by SHAWN A. AKERS for Charisma News

Overwhelming stress is a dangerous health issue that most people worldwide deal with every day. And with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic this past year, the level of stress in the daily lives of those people has been taken to a much higher level, bringing in a fear factor and making them adjust to unexpected lifestyle changes.

But naturopathic doctor Mark Sherwood, who hosts Healthcare’s Missing Link podcast, wants everyone to know that you can create an environment to help you deal with stress effectively and even take steps to deplete the stress on your body—the temple of the Holy Spirit.

But, Sherwood says, it’s something you have be cognizant of and be intentional to work at. You can’t just take a pill and make it go away.

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“We need to start with defining stress,” Sherwood told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network. “It’s not a noun; it’s actually a verb. Stress is an action we take in response to life’s unexpected occurrences or events.

“Step No. 2 is that you’ve got to learn to get adequate sleep. The only way to get that pendulum of chronic hyperstress down is to force the relaxation side, and that may primarily be sleep. We must target seven, eight hours a night no matter what our age or occupation.

“Step three is that you’ve got to, during the course of the day, go for a walk. Get out, get some sunshine. … People feel better when they take a walk.

“And No. 4 is super important. You’ve got to purge anything from your diet that is not real food and, frankly, is poisonous. Do those four things, and you will make incredible headway into the management of stress.”

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