DONALD TRUMP: The Best Really is Yet to Come (Video)

DONALD TRUMP: The Best Really is Yet to Come Video by The Remnant

Addressing the nation for the last time as president, Donald Trump took his leave with the grace and honor befitting a true statesman. And the question to ask as a nation is: Now, what? The Democrats have the ball, so what are they going to do with it?

What will CNN do without Donald Trump? What will they say? Who will they blame? In many ways, the Donald Trump that the Biden voters hated never actually existed.

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He was a media-created monster, a hologram, a computer-generated boogeyman. And that boogeyman, along with the COVID pandemic, is what has now saddled our nation with the 80-year-old President Joe Biden.

President Donald Trump is now part of history. He will go down in history as the most successful president of the 21st century.

For our part, we look at Trump’s four years as a major victory for the Children of Light. We are stronger than we ever were in the past. We are more united now than ever before. The globalists are exposed. The Left has radicalized themselves out of sheer hatred for Donald Trump, and the mask of legitimacy has ripped off even the Vatican itself, thanks to Trump.

All this constitutes a defeat for the Children of Light? Please! Is the best yet to come? Michael Matt argues that, yes, most assuredly, it is. We have not yet begun to fight.

Plus, a word on the Fox News Channel: Is now a good time for us to do as CNN wants, to abandon Fox and to shut down the strongest and most popular cable news network in the country? Michael Matt says: Absolutely not! And here’s why…

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