The Left Wants to Eliminate Competing Ideas by Michael L. Brown for Ask Dr Brown
It was President Dwight Eisenhower who once wrote that “in a democracy debate is the breath of life.” Today, it seems as if the left wants to snuff that breath out. Competing ideas must be censored and even cancelled. Only PC groupthink will be tolerated.
Back in 2012, GLAAD, which originally stood for the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, launched its so-called “Commentator Accountability Project.”
It started with a list of 36 “anti-gay” commentators, people whom GLAAD urged the mainstream media to keep off the air. Why? The views of these commentators were considered dangerous and could hurt people. Plus, GLAAD alleged, they really weren’t expert in their fields.
Among the first names listed were Chuck Colson, Tony Perkins, and Jim Daly. Blacklist them! (For other names on the original list, go here. The current list has expanded considerably.)
As GLAAD explained, the “Commentator Accountability Project (CAP) aims to put critical information about frequent anti-gay interviewees into the hands of newsrooms, editors, hosts and reporters. Journalists or producers who are on deadline often don’t have the time to dig into the histories of a commentator. Audiences need to be aware that when they’re not talking to the mainstream media, these voices are comparing LGBTQ people to Nazi Germany, predicting that equal treatment of LGBTQ people will lead to the total collapse of society, and even making accusations of satanic influence.”
So, these conservative leaders, presented in the most misleading fashion possible, should be kept off the major networks. Their ideas – actually, our ideas, since I was on that list as well – were too toxic to be entertained. Only the pro-gay side could be presented.
In light of that, I suggested that GLAAD really stood for the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Disagreement. Dissenting positions must be banned.
Today, however, the attempt to stifle competing viewpoints has expanded well-beyond LGBT circles.
We have seen the rise of the campus thought police, with our colleges and universities replete with trigger warnings and safe spaces.