The suspicious link between population control advocates and COVID vaccines

The suspicious link between population control advocates and COVID vaccines  By Robert L. Kinney III for Life Site News

Is a vaccine-maker’s, vaccine-authorizer’s, or a vaccine-funder’s stance on human life relevant to your decision to receive or refuse the vaccine?

Some have probably heard of the psychological theory known as “projection.” Most of the online descriptions of the theory are overly complicated and irrelevant to the point being made here, so they will not be cited. But there is a specific type of projection — call it simply an observable phenomenon rather than a psychological theory — that one can identify without any experience in psychology. Some people have the tendency to project their own good principles onto others when they have an obligation not to project those good principles. The phenomenon is often verbally expressed in the following ways: “nobody would really do that” or “nobody could really be that evil.”

A cursory study of the history of certain political entities, even within the last 10 years, makes one conclude, “yes, they can” be that evil. Specific examples are unnecessary, but many of the evils involve people or entities using other human beings to gain power and to destroy others who get in their way. It is obvious that many people in the world have an extremely distorted and incorrect idea of what is “noble” and good. The draconian responses by public health officials and governing entities in America to the reported COVID-19 pandemic suggest that many people “would really do that.”

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It is an unfortunate reality that many people in the world have anti-life and other distorted views that could influence how they use their power and positions in government. The views of those involved with the provision of COVID-19 data and information and COVID-19 vaccines are relevant.

A previous article discussing the Moderna/U.S. federal government COVID-19 vaccine and the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine mentioned that some found Bill Gates’s public appearances early in the COVID-19 panic odd. The article mentioned that, at the same time he was causing COVID-19 fear, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was involved in developing a COVID-19 vaccine with Moderna and the U.S. federal government.

Moderna, which is apparently known for its secrecy, “has nearly 100 projects going at once,” but none of those has been proven safe and effective for marketing in the U.S. One has to ask, why not? Is it because they actually already know that the mRNA technology is not safe?

If companies discover early in the development of a drug or vaccine that the drug or vaccine is unsafe in animals or humans, they are not necessarily required to publish the information. So when a company has had hundreds of projects, some or many of which have failed, and did not publish the data, one may reasonably suspect that the products were discovered to be harmful.

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