Still Think They Aren’t Agents of the Devil – Evidence shows UK doctors call puberty blocking treatment a ‘live experiment’

Still Think They Aren’t Agents of the Devil – Evidence shows UK doctors call puberty blocking treatment a ‘live experiment’ By Michael Haynes for Life Site News

The evidence was part of a court case in the UK, and was released only after lawyers successfully argued there is a ‘significant public interest in disclosing the material.’

Evidence has been released from a recent U.K. court case which ruled that puberty blockers are “experimental” treatments and that children are generally too young to consent to such drugs. Doctors termed puberty blocking treatment a “live experiment” and warned that there was no research to defend using the treatment.

In early December, the English High Court of Justice ruled that puberty blockers are “experimental” treatments and that for the most part they cannot be given to children attempting to “transition” to become a member of the opposite sex without the clinician having recourse to the courts.

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The case had been brought by Miss Keira “Quincy” Bell and Mrs. A, the mother of an autistic child, both of whom sued the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust, “which runs the UK’s only gender identity development service for children.”

Bell had begun taking “puberty blockers when she was 16, was injected with testosterone at 17 and had a mastectomy aged 20.” Now 23 and living according to her biological sex again, Bell said “she was treated like a ‘guinea pig’ at the clinic, and … doctors failed to carry out a proper psychiatric assessment and should have challenged her more over her decision to transition to a male as a teenager.”

The evidence heard in court had previously been confidential, but lawyers have successfully argued there is a “significant public interest in disclosing the material.” As Christian Post reporter Brandon Showalter wrote, “the ugly, unvarnished truth is slowly but surely coming to light.”

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