It’s Being Called the ‘Freedom to Kill’ Act: NJ Bill Allows Non-Doctors to Abort Babies up Until Birth By Andrea Morris for Faith Wire News
GNN Note – Back to the baby elephants – imagine how loudly the leftist communist marxist would scream if this article were about baby elephants or seals or polar bears or pick a non-human entity. /END
Pro-life advocates are urging people to contact lawmakers in New Jersey to reject a bill that will allow late-term abortions up until the moment of a child’s birth.
The NJ “Reproductive Freedom Act” (S3030/A4848) is being called a “radical bill”. It was introduced in the Senate and Assembly last October, in an effort to increase women’s rights to abortion and allow non-physicians to perform the procedure.
The measure indicates that “a fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus may not be understood to have independent rights under any of the laws of this State.”
Additionally, it specifies that “any health care professional, acting within the professional’s lawful scope of practice and in compliance with generally applicable regulations, is authorized to provide abortion care.”
Lisa Hart, vice president of Morris County Right to Life, said the bill is the most extreme to ever be considered in New Jersey, The Beacon reports.
“This bill, nicknamed the ‘License to Kill Bill,’ or ‘Kill at Will Bill’ is the most radical bill ever proposed in our state,” Hart said. “It attempts to enshrine in perpetuity the ability to kill a baby in the womb through all nine months. It removes the conscience protection for medical workers. It allows nondoctors to commit abortions. Young pregnant girls can get an abortion without their parents’ knowledge or permission, risking their heath. And it forces every one of us to pay for it.”
And some say the name of the bill is misleading.
Christine Flaherty, director of Lifenet, explained that “the name is very ironic because so many elements of this bill take people’s individual freedoms away,” she told The Beacon.