The Only Solution To America’s Problems Is Jesus

The Only Solution To America’s Problems Is Jesus by for End of the American Dream

I have never seen as much anger in the United States as I am seeing right now, and that greatly saddens me.  No matter what happens, we should always love one another.  Unfortunately, most Americans on both sides of the political spectrum are seething with hate right now.  Leading up to the election in November, the left and the right were primarily attacking each other with angry words, but now the level of physical violence that we are witnessing is extremely alarming.  The violence at the U.S. Capitol was just another example of the violence that stretched all throughout 2020 and that has continued in various parts of the nation this weekend.  Most of the time, the left only wants to condemn the violence that the right has committed, and the right only wants to condemn the violence that the left has committed.

But anyone that wants to be intellectually consistent has got to speak out against all of it.

You can’t just be against rioting, looting, arson and attacks on federal buildings when people that you do not like do it.

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Emotions are running so high right now, and I understand that people are frustrated.  But no matter who we send to Washington, nothing ever seems to change very much.  The truth is that the way that our government has operated has remained remarkably consistent throughout the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama/Trump years.

And no matter who is president for the next four years, our government is going to keep going in the same direction.

Ultimately, people are fighting over personalities.  Many are absolutely convinced that the nation will be “saved” if their team wins, but that is a delusion.

I am sorry, but Joe Biden is not your personal Lord and Savior.  I have heard from some people that are so proud that they voted for Joe Biden, but I simply don’t understand how anyone can be proud of voting for a political party that is responsible for the deaths of more than 60 million unborn Americans since 1973.  For that alone, our nation deserves a fate that is worse than I can put into words.  I think that what Franklin Graham said about the current state of our nation the other day is very appropriate

“We are in trouble,” he said. “I believe God’s judgment is coming, for the sins of our nation are great and they are a stench in the nostrils of our Creator.”

On the other side, it is very important for Republicans to understand that Donald Trump is not the Messiah either.  He is just a man.  When he does what is right he should be commended, but when he does what is wrong he should be criticized.  We like to say that our politicians are “public servants”, and we should start treating them as such.  It should sicken us whenever we see anyone put our politicians up on pedestals and worship them.

We are not to worship any man.

Rather, we are supposed to worship God.

For years, I have been watching so many Americans put so much passion and so much energy into politics.

But politics is not going to solve America’s problems.

The only thing that is going to solve America’s problems is Jesus.

The reason why the United States became a great nation in the first place is because we were a Christian nation, and the only way we would ever have a chance of being a great nation again would be if we were to turn back to God with all of our hearts.

Anyone that comes to you with a plan to turn America around that does not include Jesus is just being delusional.

At this moment, deception is absolutely rampant on both sides of the political spectrum.  Some of the most ridiculous rumors imaginable are flying all over the place, but multitudes of people are falling for them hook, line and sinker.  Shadowy figures that don’t even want to reveal their real identities share “inside information” that ends up being proven wrong time after time, and yet some people continue to hang on every word.  False prophets have convinced vast hordes of sheeple that their “prophecies” about political events would come to pass, but once again this election has shown that they are complete frauds.

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