Everybody In Line For The “Jab” of a Lifetime!! If You Survive The First Round, The Second One May Do The Trick!! by Rory for The Daily Coin
Have you received your mRNA “jab”? You know, the first of many vaccine injections to “conquer” the Wuhan bat-flu-stew. Come on down, get in line and receive the “jab” designed by a software developer (Gates), a communist apologist (St. Fauci) and a host of big pharma executives looking to post their next multi-billion dollar profit!! Safety is not a concern for these tyrants, only compliance and profits.
The CDC loves misleading information, or simply not reporting what has happened. Fortunately, we have Alex Berenson to dig in, find the info and then share freely – until the trio from hell listed above calls upon their support system in big tech to shut down or, at the very least, delete information that may actually help you and your family to make an informed decision.
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Mr. Berenson’s latest series regarding the first round of vaccines to generate mind-numbing profits, and power, for the trio from hell…
1/ Through Dec. 22, with fewer than 1 million doses of the #Covid vaccine given, @cdcgov‘s vaccine injury reporting system received 307 reports of ER visits and 17 “life threatening” events.
Per dose, that’s roughly 50 times the rate of adverse events from the flu vaccine…
— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) January 5, 2021
3/ And the data is theoretically updated through Friday Jan. 1, which would be a much higher denominator. However, I believe it is correct to use Dec. 22 as the last date for Covid adverse events because I cannot find any later reports in the system…
— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) January 5, 2021
5/ And this merely confirms what the clinical trials showed (in general, though not always, clinical trials tend to UNDERSTATE real world problems and OVERSTATE efficacy, because any smart drug company will try to bias the trials in its favor).
— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) January 5, 2021
The data is here, and fairly straightforward to query.https://t.co/qOp5zS7cYB
— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) January 5, 2021
There you have it folks. Read ’em and weep. The only way we plan on taking any vaccine is if this tie us down and force us to take it. We will #resist at all cost. This whole scamdemic is about out live it’s usefulness, but the profits it will generate for a handful of people may be too enticing to let it go.