New Year’s Resolution From God to You by Myra Kahn Adams for Red State
Author’s Note: Interested readers can find all previous volumes of this series here.
By this time, you might have broken your New Year’s resolution. But fear not, tomorrow is Monday when the new year really begins, and you can recommit.
In addition to whatever behavior you have committed yourself to do or not do, this study suggests an all-encompassing, life-changing resolution of thought and attitude.
We begin with the backstory; that is the lesson.
About 10 days ago, and without any warm-up, husband David announced, “I must decrease, while He increases” was his new guiding-life principle. (Not your typical Adams family Tuesday night dinner conversation.)
Since David is a godly man, I knew “He” referred to the Lord. My immediate response was, “Is that from the Bible?” Surprisingly, David, as a devoted reader of Scripture, said, “I don’t know. The words just popped into my mind.”
The phrase sounded vaguely familiar to me and could have been from some bestselling self-help book. Although David had the passage reversed, Mr. Google told us it was from the most famous bestselling self-help book of all time — the Bible — in the New Testament Gospel of John 3:30.
After David explained why he was embracing the verse, I thanked him for providing my next Bible study topic — perfectly suited as a new year’s resolution for everyone. He said:
“As I age, my mortality becomes more evident. While getting closer to meeting the Lord, I want to prepare myself, and one way to do that is to emphasize to Him that He is in charge. That is not how it has been most of my life, and now I want to make a new commitment to Him. Also, at this time, my ego is more under control than it was when I was in the midst of a highly competitive career when promoting oneself (directly or indirectly) was important for advancement.”