Hello everyone, and Happy New Year!  I’m back after a much-needed rest from the holidays, and I hope you and yours are rested and refreshed as well, because if you thought 2020’s sauce had some nasty lumps in it, I strongly suspect 2021  will have more lumps, bumps, folds and crinkles than Angela Merkel in a pantsuit.

But for all that, Happy New Year anyway.

So what, you may be wondering, was the biggest story in my email box over the holidays? Not surprisingly, it was the ongoing planscamdemic, the rush to get everyone to take the “vaccines”, and some related stories from some Roman Catholic hierarchy urging people to receive the vaccines “because it’s the Christian thing to do,” to nurses taking it on TV, and then collapsing on camera a few minutes later, and then tweeting to explain that it was not a reaction to the vaccine, but due to a chronic nervous condition. Really? Nurses prone to fainting due to chronic nervous conditions? I want the name of that hospital or clinic she works in, because I want to be sure to avoid it. On top of all this, we’ve had reports – as expected – of adverse reactions to these “vaccines,” including some horrific reports of “monsterism” which, as of yet, are unverified, but frankly, I wouldn’t doubt them.

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While all this was going on, in the State of New York the state senate is pondering a bill to put “vaccine refusers” into detention as health risks to the general population should the governor of that state declare an emergency(thanks to H.A.H. for spotting and sharing this one):

New York State Quarantine Bill

But c’mon, you knew this was coming. After all, if they can “lockdown”(a prison term) economies by gubernatorial or mayoral edict, they can lock you up and throw away the key if you are a refusenik. In what must be a supreme irony, the mask of this being a “free democratic republic” came off the moment the masks went on. In reality, what this bill looks like is simply a post facto attempt to give their actions the color of law. Don’t worry, give them time, and some bright “progressive” somewhere will argue that detention is “inhumane,” and will propose creating “autonomous zones” just for refuseniks, sort of like reservations. “You can travel free inside this area, but outside, you have to have your vaccine papers in order.” We all knew that was coming too: no international travel without your papers.

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