Why the Church Must Show It Will Not Be Shaken in 2021

Why the Church Must Show It Will Not Be Shaken in 2021 by MICHAEL LOMBARDO  for Charisma News

The year 2020 has taken a lot of people by surprise. We had no clue what we were getting into when the ball dropped going into this year.

With the unstable economy, businesses closing their doors, the political chaos, the racial tension and, of course, the COVID pandemic, it’s been a difficult year to say the least. Not only that, but the church has been persecuted and commanded to close its doors as a result of the pandemic.

Many churches have been fighting for the right to stay open and worship, and many are coming out successful in that endeavor. But it has been a fight, and the church, as a whole, has endured, holding fast to faith and persevering in these perilous times.

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In the latest episode of Awaken Podcast, I share what the Lord has been putting on my heart for 2021. No more shrinking back and throwing aside our confidence. No more trusting in the world’s systems, economies and world leaders. The church of Christ must rise and shine in this hour to show the world who our God truly is.

Everything that can be shaken has been shaken, but that which cannot be shaken remains. The kingdom of God cannot be shaken—and we are God’s people, so we must not be shaken either. While many are falling away from the faith, God’s chosen remnant must stand firm in faith and declare the goodness and glory of Jesus.

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