Bishop Strickland triples down on opposition to abortion-tainted vaccines

Bishop Strickland triples down on opposition to abortion-tainted vaccines By LifeSiteNews staff for Life Site News

GNN Note – It is time to stand up, push back and #resist the flawed science and poison that is this vaccine. We will never take it.

We have ‘to live the truth that Jesus Christ has revealed to us.’

December 29, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Bishop Joseph Strickland has once again spoken out against abortion-tainted vaccines in this week’s episode of The Bishop Strickland Show.

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Besides highlighting the immorality and anti-Catholicism of vaccines linked to aborted baby cells, Bishop Strickland also addressed other concerns regarding the coronavirus, including mandatory vaccine laws.

“I would encourage people to resist any forcing of receiving these vaccines,” Bishop Strickland said. “We need to look at all the sides of the issue and make a well-informed conscience decision” according to what Church doctrine teaches.

Strickland and co-host Terry Barber also spoke about the possibility that vaccine mandates will be specifically targeted from the government towards the Catholic Church, and that they will lead to persecution. He noted that “probably most of the time through history, some[where] in the world, the Church has been persecuted.”

“We have to be willing to do what we have to,” he continued.

Strickland courageously states that even if speaking the truth may lead to persecution, “in justice we need to speak against that and…resist any diminishing of the freedom of religion and the freedom of living our faith in every aspect of society.”

Watch The Bishop Strickland Show, co-hosted by Terry Barber of Virgin Most Powerful Radio, which airs every Tuesday at 9:00 p.m. EST on LifeSite’s YouTube channel. Click here to watch all past episodes.

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