Is 2021 The Great Reset Of The Church?

Is 2021 The Great Reset Of The Church?

There has been a lot of talk lately about the Great Reset (e.g. resetting the economic and the geopolitical aspects of the world with one group overseeing it; more here). Those of us who are concerned about freedom, religious expression, morality, and a plethora of other topics, are not fans of a Great Reset.

Leading up to January 20th, let’s look below at two possible scenarios regarding the presidency and how they could affect the church. By considering both possible outcomes, I’m not taking away my hope that God will reveal the massive voter fraud that took place. I’m still very hopeful because my hope is in God. (Check out this compelling interview and this document that includes 270 pages of evidence just released by Sidney Powell.)

In either case—Biden or Trump, I believe that something monumental will occur: The church will reset. She needs to; she must. It’s painfully obvious that most churches do not model themselves after the church that Christ commissioned. Often, God must break us down in order to build us up.

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At the time of this article, the election results are being heavily contested. A Biden win will prove that ANTIFA accomplished its goal of instilling fear in citizens, courts, and politicians to not challenge voter fraud. Gone are the days of true patriots such as Nathan Hale, who said, “I regret that I have but one life to give for my country.”

A Biden presidency will no doubt usher in a great “reset” that leads to greater financial collapse. We are seeing signs of this already. The shutdowns are killing small businesses while major corporations thrive. Although COVID-19 is a real virus, it is being used as a political weapon. America, as we knew it, has been forever changed.

Like in the Old Testament, a Biden presidency may mean that God used foreign enemies to judge America. In the church, a Biden win will divide us even more as the true church is forced to go underground, just like what has happened to the church in China.  Although it may take time, it’s inevitable.

Churches with rainbow flags and positive messages will stay open, and may even be sanctioned by the government. Those that compromise God’s Word will become irrelevant social clubs. Lives will not be radically changed in these types of churches because the false prophet is not God’s prophet.

Under Biden, social media will censor the truth—churches that talk about sin, the inerrancy of the Word, Christ as the only way, repentance, and so on will be marginalized and silenced. The government will clamp down on what it deems “hate speech” and will attempt to silence pastors who don’t conform. All of this, however, can be the fuel that sparks a powerful revival . . . a powerful reset: That God may grant us a little reviving in our bondage (Ezra 9:8).

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