So many people spotted this story it leaped to the top of this week’s finals list. That’s no mean feat, since this week is the last week of live scheduled blogs for 2020 as I plan on taking a break from Christmas week until after New Year’s. There may be an occasional blog during that time, but this one I simply cannot pass over in good conscience.

In today’s blog, I intend to speak plainly and mince no words, but in doing so I am not trying to impugn any sincere Christian faith of a Roman Catholic. My own sister is a Roman Catholic, a sincere and deeply Christian one in fact, full of love for God and Christ. So my intention is quite the reverse, actually. I intend to try to answer a question often on the lips and minds of Roman Catholics, as they wonder why their church increasingly represents a corporation with a social, financial, and political agenda that seems utterly out of synch with the core tenets of their faith, an institution increasingly without a soul, and intent upon the uglification of the last remaining shards of beauty and transcendence that might still be left. I have never minced words with my sister about the core issue of why that Church has burned people alive, and presented itself in such tyrannical terms as to cause the revolt known as the Protestant Reformation. The “chair of unity” is, historically, the chair of division. The root of the problem is the papal claim to absolute, supreme power and authority. Or to put it in the ending words of Pope Boniface VIII (Pope from 1294-1303) in his bull Unam Sanctam, “Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff”.

Note, it does not say, “to hold the tenets of the Catholic faith and to be in communion with a bishop professing and holding the same,” but rather, the core concepts of the faith, and communion, are not in view at all. One must be subject to the Papacy itself. The final logical implication of all of this is that it isn’t even necessary to hold to any of the definitions of the ecumenical councils of the ancient church, nor to celebrate that faith in any of the ancient church’s liturgies, nor even to maintain the texts of those liturgies, including the Gregorian liturgy of the West. All that is necessary is simply to be in communion with, or rather, subject to, the Pope, regardless of what he might do.

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In this, Boniface neither consulted his bishops, nor anyone else. The claims of the Papacy, which had already led to its excommunication by the Eastern Orthodox  Catholic Church, knew, and knows no bounds. It can, and has, made such pronouncements since that schism, the most egregious example of which was Vatican II, a “council” in which the papal church turned its back on its own traditional liturgy by throwing it out, and introducing a round of liturgical, artistic, architectural, and musical ugliness and banality that continues to this day (see today’s “tidbit”), opening itself “to the world”, and, in the midst of a slew of conciliar pronouncements, retained its traditional mode of diction in only one case: those instances having to do with the claims of the papacy itself.

In short, everything else, including the mass itself, was and is up for grabs.

It’s that context in which I want to examine today’s story, which was passed along by several people:

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