“Big Government Is Your Family…Questioning Mask Is Murder…” by Rory for The Daily Coin
Well now, people are beginning to push back, fight back and stand up. Nothing wrong with a little peaceful protest and, hopefully, a few people will get the message. We need a lot more of this type of protest and we need a lot more people to OPEN THEIR BUSINESSES, stop wearing mask and laugh in the face of these tyrants attempting to steal the very essence of our lives. Laughter is what they hate almost as much as they hate all of us.
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This is a creative way of getting a much needed message to the masses. As more and more people awaken we pray that we are able to bring you a lot more of these types of protest as opposed to the protest we were publishing a few months ago of antifa / BLM leftist – you know, burning down cities and attacking the weak, elderly and disabled.
“Anti-Mask protest, Toronto Creepy but effective, sound on” It’s a little creepy, but seemingly effective. If we bring another 1,000 people into the Light, then we can call it highly effective. – be sure to share far and wide.
Anti-Mask protest, Toronto Creepy but effective, sound on 🔊 #resist #resistthegreatreset #covid #chinavirua #lockdown #endlockdowns #nolockdowns #stopthelockdown #covidlockdowns #nomorelockdowns #melbournelockdown #uklockdown #michiganlockdown #californialockdown #newyorklockdown #lockdownusa #canadalockdown #endlockdown #cancellockdowns #lockdownsdontwork #draconianlockdownorders #southafricalockdown #endthelockdownuk #victorialockdown #oathkeeper #oathkeepers
— Capitalist Pigs CapitalistPigs Tuesday, December 29, 2020