An Open Letter to President Trump: Don’t Give Up; Multitudes Are Praying for You

An Open Letter to President Trump: Don’t Give Up; Multitudes Are Praying for You by KAREN HARDIN for Charisma News

I read a recent post from an individual involved in meetings with the president who revealed, “He is betrayed from within.”

My heart broke. What must it be like for President Trump or the first lady as they lie in bed in the dark of night alone with their thoughts? They have been betrayed by many, even some of their closest advisers and friends. Whom can they trust? How can they continue to withstand such an onslaught?

This open letter to President Trump, I believe, speaks for the majority of the American people:

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Dear Mr. President,

First, we want to thank you for all you have endured since taking office and the relentless attacks against you personally, against your family and against your leadership. Those attacking you do not speak for us.

As you so well stated, “In reality, they’re not after me; they’re after you. I’m just in the way.” And boy, you have been in their way. We had no idea how deep and wide the corruption spread and would have never known, if not for you and your willingness to remain in this thankless position, day after day taking the hits as you worked without pay, donating your salary to others.

You could have continued your life as a billionaire, basking in the praise of those who now work to destroy you. But you didn’t. And we thank you.

Although the media has tried to hide your many accomplishments, we see them, and it’s time you were properly thanked for them.

We applaud the historic and unprecedented peace agreements you brokered between Sudan, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates and Morocco with Israel, which have resulted in a geopolitical transformation in the Middle East and Africa.

We applaud your early, bold decisions to shut down travel between the U.S. and China as the coronavirus crossed our borders and your ongoing work to eradicate the virus. Your detractors publicly mocked and ridiculed your decision, but it significantly slowed the initial outbreak.

We applaud your negotiations with China to turn around the horrible trade agreements from previous administrations. The tariffs you put in place on China, Mexico, Canada and the European Union, among others, have helped restore America to a place of profitability on imports from these countries.

Thank you for restoring our military and economic strength, which had been whittled down to nothing by previous administrations. With the now very real threat from China against us, I shudder to think where we would be right now if you had not taken those steps.

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