Steve Bannon Shares Victory Strategy During Global Prayer Event

Steve Bannon Shares Victory Strategy During Global Prayer Event by JANENNE IRENE PUNG for Charisma News

During the Global Prayer for Election Integrity/Against Election Fraud, Steve Bannon spoke of the criticality of prayer and persistence to thousands of participants.

Bannon is a former top adviser to President Donald J. Trump who is now with Breitbart News.

“This is a fight we cannot lose,” Bannon says. “If we lose this fight to really secure and close on this massive landslide victory that President Trump won on Nov. 3, we’re going to cease to be a republic.”

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Bannon says Trump won a stunning victory because he stood up to the decline of the country, as orchestrated by the so-called elites of the world.

“This fight over the last four years has really, I think, been in the face of the Chinese community party and their allies throughout the world on Wall Street in corporate America and the city of London in Europe and the Middle East,” Bannon says.

The battleground: information in cyberspace and economic warfare. A primary weapon has been a bioweapon known globally as the coronavirus pandemic. Trump has become the focal point of the battle because since becoming president, he has been turning America around, returning the country to the greatness created by the forefathers—a greatness Benjamin Franklin is said to have warned people that they would have to endeavor to keep.

“We need prayer,” Bannon says, noting that the 2016 win was providential and stunning, by a ragtag group.

Multiple Ongoing Issues

There are six states “up in the air,” Bannon says, “six states we overwhelmingly won.”

The states—Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona and New Mexico—had close margins, and there are ongoing lawsuits being filed over voter fraud extensive enough to easily push those states red.

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