8 NUTS Low In Carbs For Keto Diet Snacks

8 NUTS Low In Carbs For Keto Diet Snacks by  for Modern Survival Blog

How many carbs / carbohydrates in nuts? Can I eat nuts on the Keto diet? Why do I ask? Well, first this…

I am somewhere in-between the Keto and Carnivore diet. Some call it Ketovore. It has literally been life changing (for the better!) switching my body energy source over from sugar/glucose to fat burning. One’s excess fat weight comes off quick.

I’m not going to get into the diet itself here (there’s tons of info online – check out Dr. Ken Berry on YT). Briefly, and with regards to carbs / carbohydrates, the Carnivore diet is zero carbs. The Keto diet allows up to 20 grams of carbs on a given day. Both enable the body to switch over to Ketones for energy (a state of Ketosis) which burns fat as fuel.

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I told myself that when I get down to my goal (my weight when I was in my 20’s), I would transition from Carnivore to Keto or somewhere in-between. This opens up more foods and nutrition sources. Though one needs to count the carbs so as to stay in Ketosis (fat burning mode).

So now that I’m there, I wondered if I could eat any nuts. Nuts contain healthy fats and some protein. I like nuts. I like peanut butter (one of my weaknesses!). But if I want to keep my daily intake of carbs below 20 grams, I had to do some online research about nuts and carbs.

So I used that research as an excuse to do an article post…because there’s bound to be someone who lands on this later on from a web search who may find it helpful 🙂

How Many Carbs / Carbohydrates in Nuts?

List of Best Nuts for Keto:

Ordered from best (least carbs) to good (still okay) in quantities of 1/4 cup serving size. Note that most lists are per 100 grams weight. But I wanted to normalize to 1/4 cup volume, since that makes more sense to me.

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