God, the Savior of Men Podcast by Pastor John MacArthur for Grace to You
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Luke’s gospel, chapter 2; we’re beginning a study of Luke. I thought we would move more rapidly than we are. I…I knew Luke was a great historian, and that is being verified as we go, fastidious, careful with detail. And I knew that Luke was something of a theologian but the more I’m studying this gospel the more I’m impressed with the depth and breadth and height and length of his theology. And when you’re going through narrative passages, you can be content with the story, but not if you understand the heart of the writer, both the heart of Luke and the heart of God the Holy Spirit who inspired it. It seems as though everything Luke says on the surface has beneath it massive amounts of supportive truth and history. And that is certainly the case in the text before us today.
Let me read you Luke 2:8 to 14. “And in the same region there were some shepherds staying out in the fields and keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord suddenly stood before them and the glory of the Lord shone around them and they were terribly frightened. And the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which shall be for all the people. For today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you, you will find the baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.’ And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly hosts praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.'”
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