Do Not Put Your Trust in Princes

Do Not Put Your Trust in Princes by Michael L. Brown for Ask Dr Brown

What comes to mind when you hear that the title of one my articles is, “Don’t Put Your Trust in a Political Savior”? For some of you, it is probably something like this: “There goes Mike Brown again with his self-righteous posturing, lecturing those of us who are still standing with Donald Trump.” But what if I told you that I wrote this article back in 2011 during the presidency of Barack Obama? And what if I told you that I began the article by speaking about President Jimmy Carter in 1976? Would that change things?

Back in 1976, as a fairly new, born-again follower of Jesus, I remember my excitement when I learned that this candidate from Georgia was also born-again. And he wasn’t ashamed to say it! Surely he would do an amazing job.

Eight years later, after a very weak presidency, Carter was quite literally swept out of office by Ronald Reagan, who accomplished many significant things during his 8 years in the White House. And it was during this time that the Moral Majority also came into prominence.

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Yet, as I wrote in 2011, “Eight years later, despite the many good intentions of the Moral Majority, despite the clear voice Reagan provided on a number of important moral issues (including abortion), and despite some of the very positive things Reagan accomplished (nationally and internationally), America was still stuck in a deep moral quagmire and the abortion industry continued almost unabated. In fact, according to the Alan Gutmacher Institute, there were at least 1.5 million abortions every year from 1980-1988, the years of the Reagan presidency, showing increase rather than decrease.”

Not even Ronald Reagan could turn the moral and cultural tide of the nation, despite all the good that he did.

And who can forget the adulation surrounding the “Chosen One,” the rock star president, Barack Obama, in 2008? He was anything but a political savior.

As for Obama’s political opponent in 2012, Mitt Romney, very few differed with my June 2012 article, “Mitt Romney Is Not the Answer.” I voted for him, but with very little expectation of positive change, even if was elected.

But the real issue has more to do with human nature and the nature of America than it has to do with Carter or Reagan or Obama or Romney or Trump.

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