Michelle Malkin: Some Church Lives Matter More Than Others

Michelle Malkin: Some Church Lives Matter More Than Others for CNS News

Here is a textbook illustration of how the corporate media’s sins of omission can be far more damning than the corrupted industry’s sins of commission.

Over the weekend, thousands of patriotic citizens descended on Washington, D.C., to protest election fraud and defend President Donald Trump. Left-wing “black bloc” mobs threw water bottles, bricks, and fireworks at cops and Trump supporters. Eight law enforcement personnel were injured by Antifa and Black Lives Matter anarchists; one officer received multiple severe lacerations to his face. At least 33 were arrested at the close of the weekend for assaults and mayhem, but countless victims received zero help from cops who stood down and did nothing.

So, what did national news outlets choose to focus on?

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—NBC News: “Black Lives Matter signs burned at D.C. churches; police investigate as possible hate crimes.”

—The Washington Post: “Historic D.C. Black churches attacked during pro-Trump rallies Saturday.”

—CNN: “Protesters ripped and set fire to BLM signs at two D.C. churches.”

—Associated Press: “Vandals hit Black churches during weekend pro-Trump rallies.”

This much is true: As chaos broke out late Saturday night, some members of the Proud Boys stole and set fire to several Black Lives Matter signs that were on display at two D.C.-area churches. This isolated mischief was nowhere near on the scale of the wanton looting, shooting, terrorizing, and burning down of entire downtowns and neighborhoods across the country by Black Lives Matter and Antifa in the name of “social justice.”

But the media propagandists who have labeled violent left-wing riots as “peaceful protests” all year long seized the opportunity to stoke false narratives: Trump supporters are the real threat to civil order. The populist movement to “stop the steal” of election 2020 is rooted in hate. It’s “Jim Crow” all over again, “reminiscent of cross burnings” and the “rise of white supremacy,” according to one of the fragile black church pastors making the rounds.

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