Something Is Coming On A Spiritual Level That Feels ‘Surreal’ With The Battle Between Good And Evil Intensifying Across America And The Planet By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine
– Here Are Some Tips To Help With The Anxiety
have been noticing something unusual on online forums and internet chatter, even in our own comment section for the past little while. An expressed feeling of something coming, a tenseness within, that a shoe (or anvil) is about to drop on our heads, that “something” is getting ready to happen, yet no real specific direction to which it is coming from.
There is a lot going on .
The election lawsuits and court cases, the pandemic and lockdowns, the upcoming vaccines that many want nothing to do with, especially since researchers and medical professionals have had less than a year to test it.
Huge joblessness from state governors forcing businesses closures because of the “pandemic,” while overreaching with unconstitutional mandates.
Hunger where we see thousands upon thousands of people lining up at stores, food banks for those that have lost their jobs and free food giveaways just to feed themselves and their families.
So very much going on at one time all across America, yet none of these are described as the cause for this uneasiness that something is coming, and we can feel it in the air…. can you?
The feeling has been described as “anxiousness,” with others calling it a “very bad feeling,” and the people agreeing and commenting about it, are all generally level-headed, not prone to exaggeration nor drama, which makes this something even more worth noting and discussing at length, hence an entire article about it.
It is not the thought for conservatives that after all is said and done, the courts will not interfere and Joe Biden will be inaugurated, because deep down everyone knows that if we made it through eight years of a radical liberal like Obama, Biden will just be a bump in the road, doing things that the next Republican President has to undo.
The quote above also came from one of our readers on Thursday morning, and it is an apt description for what others have been talking about.
With everything going on, the first thought is that all of it together it is enough to cause anxiety in a few people, but this seems to be a collective feeling, not only with ANP readers, but as I researched I see that in some form or fashion, others are also mentioning it.
Don’t get me wrong, people that have lost their jobs due to the lockdowns forced on states by their governors, will definitely make them anxious, as is the pandemic for people that know someone with COVID-19. The same goes for the election chaos and lawsuits, but collectively people feel it is a spiritual battle, as we wait for good to overcome evil, for lack of a better way to phrase it.
Perhaps the attacks against religion, governors disallowing church worship while allowing bars to be open, as Christian persecution becomes more prevalent every day, is starting to wear some down.
Whatever the reason, the chatter about it is increasing.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to unexpected medical and emergency repair bills, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this ‘Info-war’ for America at this most critical time in US history, during a time of systematic ‘big tech’ censorship and widespread Democrat corruption.)
There are a number of ways to deal with this type of spiritual anxiety, starting with the most important, take it to God in prayer.
Before moving along, I would like to mention that Steve Quayle is running Zoom morning prayers for Q-File members, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In a time where most liberal states are attempting to shut prayer in a house of worship down, many may want to sign up, and join in those morning prayers, even those not feeling the type of anxiety described by a number of our readers.
For the record, we do not make any money for those subscribing to Q-Files, we are just mentioning it because we feel prayer, especially now, is critical to mental, emotional and spiritual health.