5 Ways To Store Meat Without A Refrigerator

5 Ways To Store Meat Without A Refrigerator by SARA TIPTON for Ready Nutrition

Thanksgiving has come and gone, but if you’re like most, you have a lot of leftover turkey and ham. Those on homesteads have mastered the art of preserving that meat too so it won’t go to waste without a refrigerator!

Those on homesteads have mastered the art of preserving that meat too so it won’t go to waste without a refrigerator!

We live in a world where it has become extremely important to prepare your family for disasters. It would be unfortunate to have all of that leftover Thanksgiving turkey go to waste in the event that the power grid goes down or an ice storm knocks out your electricity.

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To prepare for these situations, many people are beginning to realize the importance of not wasting food and keeping stored food on hand.

Curing – Salt curing is personally my favorite way to preserve and store meat without a refrigerator. It involves quite a bit of time and effort but it’s not too bad once you’ve done it a few times. Traditional favorites like sausage, bacon, and pastrami were preserved by salt curing. It’s also a cheap and easy process to master perfect for the new homesteader. You will need a cool area and a place where meats can be hung out of the way. Some curing recipes are used in combination with smoking for flavor. Be sure to stock up on a lot of salt for your prepper pantry if you find you enjoy this! Check out this method if you want to give it a try!

2. Smoking – This is also a favorite way to preserve meat. This is common in areas with too much humidity to dry meat (jerky). Smoking fish is also another way to preserve your catches. Please keep in mind that modern recommendations are to consume smoked meat sparingly as smoke may contain carcinogens. That being said, it may still be a good choice for some of your harvest or an emergency situation. Smokers can be purchased or made at home. Obviously, this method is better suited to those with access to a backyard.

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