The Christian Covenant of Plymouth Rock By Jonathon Moseley for American Thinker
North America was dedicated to Jesus Christ when the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock. That covenant with Jesus Christ endures today. God will not forget when we hold to His promises.
December 21, 1620, is an important date for Christian prayer intercessors. This was a solemn covenant sealed in sacrifice of lives, fortunes, and in the deaths of the first Winter. The dedication to Jesus Christ was intended for the blessing of all the continent’s inhabitants. The Pilgrims – unlike many settlers who followed – came to these shores partly to evangelize the natives, with a determination to love and befriend them.
There are many dates revolve around the 400th year anniversary of the voyage of the Mayflowercarrying the Christian Pilgrims to the Cape Cod region.
The Mayflowerarrived severely off-course on November 9, 2020. Realizing they were not under the King’s jurisdiction, the non-religious Strangers among them threatened to abandon the expedition and go their own way. On November 11, 2020, the Mayflower Compact was worked out and signed. It was a foundational document of self-governance. But the task of searching for a suitable place to land and start building was just beginning.
It was not until December 21, 1620, when the row boats pulled ashore at what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts. The boats were dragged alongside Plymouth Rock so the women could step off. But as a matter of oral history, the Pilgrims also used Plymouth Rock as a Christian altar.
We know for certain from Governor William Bradford’s massive historical diary that the Pilgrims dedicated the continent to Christ, for the spread of the gospel, and to demonstrate a city set on a hill for the world. It is believed that that eternal covenant with God was offered actually on Plymouth Rock as a make-shift, natural altar. (Arriving in a New England Winter, the Pilgrims barely had enough supplies or resources to do more than use whatever was available.)
My parents researched the Pilgrims and wrote the book “In the Footprints of the Pilgrims: a Fresh Look at the Mayflower Story.” Dr. James and Barbara Joan Moseley sought to discover who the Pilgrims were before they boarded the two ships sailing to the New World.
They researched the Separatist congregations from Scrooby, Gainsborough, and Sturton-le-Steeple in England. They literally retraced their paths, hence the name of their book.