Prominent Lawyer Fights Election Fraud With Supernatural Discernment by A.B. PETRUCCI for Charisma News
Editor’s Note: This is part one of a two-part series on Lin Wood and his journey in representing President Donald J. Trump in the lawsuits surrounding the 2020 election. Part two will run tomorrow.
Lin Wood, one of the most prominent and patriotic attorneys in America, joined the legal fight alongside President Trump’s legal team to save election integrity from fraud and political treachery, thereby, preserving the U.S. Constitution. However, according to his tweets, Wood, a man of deep faith and intimacy with the Holy Spirit, quickly discerned the spiritual battle of biblical proportions between God’s revelations and satanic influences fighting for control of the soul and future of America.
“Every lie will be revealed,” said Wood in a prophetic pronouncement. He is challenging the veracity of the 2020 presidential election and claiming there is ample evidence of election fraud to benefit Democrat party candidate Joe Biden, especially in Wood’s home state of Georgia where alleged corruption charges have tinged both Democrats and anti-Trump, establishment Republicans.
Wood is wisely using facts—and the truth of the Word of God—to confront deception, blatant lies, power grabs, intimidation, authoritarian acts and shameless hypocrisy against the backdrop of established law.
The Christian worldview and personal faith of Lin Wood are on full display in this #FightBack lawyer’s tweets on Twitter, as he urges people to “Trust the Lord,” “Have faith in God” and “Be strong in your faith.” Although it may seem unusual for a top lawyer with a strong backbone for legal fights to speak openly about his faith in Christ, He often tweets Bible verses, including recent posts of Joshua 1:9, Jeremiah 33:3, 15 and Isaiah 41:10.
Wood said, “I think there are a lot of things going on right now that people won’t recognize without discernment, so they understand more than just what they see at first glance.”
The massive and well-coordinated efforts of Big Tech (Twitter, Facebook, Google and so forth) and the mainstream media to suppress and censor any statements about evidence of election fraud have created false appearances to cover up the deception.
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Besides praying and declaring in the Spirit that God’s will be done in this heady situation, believers can support a petition to stop fraud in Georgia and express support for free and fair elections.