Have We Met The Threshold Of Tyranny? Or Are We Quite Beyond… by
for Modern Survival BlogIt is clear that we are presently on a path to authoritarianism / tyranny. Are we already there? Yes. To varying extents, in my opinion. What’s yours?
Throughout history, free societies have descended into tyranny. What was their threshold of tyranny? When their populations realized they can use the power of government to give themselves benefits at the expense of others.
Many will sacrifice their freedoms and liberty for a variety of reasons. Money and wealth. Perceived safety. Free stuff. “Bread & Circuses”. Humans are not angels. Some crave power and control over others.
A government will naturally expand beyond its basic role. It’s the natural order of things. Unless diligently limited and curtailed (the original intent of the U.S. Constitution).
Unbridled, a government will begin to infringe on liberty and people’s rights. Eventually it grows into a authoritarian / tyrannical behemoth. History reveals that it can get much worse than that…
A tyrannical government will first clamp down on free speech and political opposition.
Regarding the the 1st amendment to the U.S. Constitution:
Frederick Douglass said, “Liberty is meaningless where the right to utter one’s thoughts and opinions has ceased to exist. That, of all rights, is the dread of tyrants. It is the right which they first of all strike down.”
True to the core. We are seeing the dread of tyrants in real time, right now. The Globalist elites in cooperation with the U.S. “deep state” entities, Big Tech and almost 100% of mainstream media. They have been, and are, striking down the thoughts and opinions of dissent against their far-left globalist political ideology and goals to bring us all under their one-world dominion rule.
When free speech has been curtailed, the defense of freedom becomes much more difficult, if not impossible. It is always the priority in the order of things.
It’s so bad right now that it’s causing a ‘chilling affect’. That’s when people think twice about speaking, writing, or in any way challenging or opposing. Why? For fear of being targeted in some way. It suppresses free speech.
Dissenting political opinion is being targeted in extreme fashion, right now. Tactics include shadow banning, outright banning, doxing, canceling (cancel culture), intimidation, threats, assault, and even murder.
It even happens on my little blog… There are those who lurk and wait until I post a politically oriented article. Or any article which challenges the present mainstream opinion about (anything). They jump in to intentionallydisrupt our conversations and ridicule. They are everywhere. They’re “all-in”. Even right here.