Should We Call Down Fire on Our Enemies?

Should We Call Down Fire on Our Enemies? by Michael L. Brown for Ask Dr Brown

As the Church of America becomes increasingly divided along political lines, a dangerous tendency is developing. Our party is the party of God; the other is the party of the devil. Our cause is entirely righteous; theirs is entirely wicked. We can therefore call down curses on our political enemies, since they are doing the devil’s work.

It is no longer the kingdom of God vs. the kingdom of Satan, it is the Republicans vs. the Democrats and Trump vs. Biden. That’s how we divide.

Recently, I was alarmed to see Christians praying with great fervor online, calling down divine judgment on those who allegedly committed voter fraud.

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There was no concern shown for the state of their souls. There was no fervent cry that God would save them and grant them repentance. Instead, the prayers were for their destruction. The evildoers must be removed!

This is not the Spirit of God. This is not the heart of our Father. This is not the Jesus way.

Of course we pursue justice. Of course we pray for corruption to be exposed. Of course we take godly action. The last thing I’m advocating is passivity and faithless resignation.

But what has happened to our own souls? We seem to be moved by malice more than by mercy, forgetting how much grace God showed us when we were living in ignorance and rebellion.

There’s a fascinating account preserved in Luke’s Gospel that speaks to our situation today.

Jesus and His disciples were on their way to Jerusalem, shortly before He would be crucified, and they needed to pass through Samaria. But the Samaritans refused entry to Jesus and His group, since the Jews looked down on the Samaritans and considered them half-breeds. Plus, Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem, the sacred city of the Jews but not the Samaritans.

Indignant that their Master should be dishonored, Jacob (James) and John asked Jesus, “Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them, just as Elijah did?” (Luke 9:55, New King James Version)

To paraphrase, “They deserve it, don’t they, Lord? And isn’t this what Elijah the prophet did to his enemies in the Old Testament? Shall we zap them with fire, like he did, and kill them all?” (See 2 Kings 1.)

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